With our push to get the doors open last November, decorating became a work in progress. We wanted to fill the walls of our new place with the memories of a place that has outlived its building. While it is sad to see a piece of history go, it is exciting to take small artifacts with us as we grow into our new spot. We were able to salvage a few things along with the feeling of being a piece of history in Boise. One of our favorite ways we chose to fill our walls while showcasing our history in Boise was with our “Little Bite of Boise” mural highlighting some of our local landmarks. The mural was designed and painted by Matt Evans, a local Boise artist and Big Jud’s patron. Matt took on the project with iconic Boise images in mind, places that stand out to locals and remind people of our neighborhood.
Matt called the mural “A Little Bite of Boise” saying “My hope is that over time people will always remember these pieces of Boise including Big Jud’s”
The mural features hotspots like The Depot, Boise State, Jim’s Café (and that famous rooster), our state capitol building and of course, Big Juds! We love looking at the mural and seeing Big Juds in the center of so many great local landmarks.