Well, it’s that time of year – the grand finale of football season, the BIG GAME! Whether you are rooting for the Seahawks or the Patriots, watching for the commercials, or just curious if the ball is properly inflated, there is no denying that this is the game of the year. We know that you would all be piling into Big Juds if we were open on Sundays, but unfortunately we’ll be watching the game on our day off. So where will you be spending this important evening? Or more importantly, what will you be eating? Yes. We’re talking about food again. Everyone knows this game is not just about football; it’s about the people you share it with, the rivalry that surrounds it and of course the food that keeps you from turning away from the television even during those commercial breaks. Here’s how to GAMEDAY the right way:
- Location, location, location
The most common locations to set the stage for your game watching experience are at home, a house party or a bar/restaurant. The first order of business is comfort: Find a place to plant your butt where you will be content if the game and commercials are so good that you become unable to leave the edge of that seat.
- Good Company
If you choose to view the game without so much as a housecat, it’s your prerogative, but we suggest you surround yourself with the right people for this one. Someone to heckle when their team fumbles, a support system for when the game takes a depressing turn for your team, and someone to grab you a drink on the way back from their bathroom break… don’t get caught yelling at the TV alone!
- Food is Football Fan Fuel
No football game was ever meant to be watched hungry. Judge us if you’d like on this one but we feel strongly about the importance of pairing a good game with a good meal. Choose your spread and pick it up, cook it up or order it up before the game kicks off.
Now get out (or stay in) and enjoy the final game day of the football season! And if you are feeling ‘deflated’ come Monday, we’ll be ready to dish up some comfort food to lift your spirits. Gooooo Se.. Pa.. err… Go TEAM! 😉